A Far Off Place

This movie is not on Disney+. This is probably due to the amount of violence. There is a lot of murder and attempted murder in this one. I was able to watch it free on YouTube. However, the quality is exactly how you would expect a movie from the 90s bootlegged onto YouTube would be. My dog was immediately interested in the elephants on the screen. Then probably ran away when they all started to be killed and have their tusks harvested. I incorrectly thought that would be the most violent part of the movie. This movie stars very young Reese Witherspoon and Ethan Embry (who was still acting under the name Ethan Randall). I did not realize they had worked together before Sweet Home Alabama. This movie has a very similar vibe to the movie Cheetah. While walking through the desert, Harry drops his walkman. I felt like this was going to be a really important part to the plot line since he was obsessed with it until this point. I was wrong. No one notices he dropped it. The bad guys didn’t use it to track the kids. There is no mention of the Walkman in the rest of the movie. Maybe it was supposed to be metaphorical of him now embracing Africa and living in the present but it is probably just a hole in the plot line. Finally, if you’re an orphan, I guess you can just skip your flight to New York and stay in Africa with your new girlfriend and her honorary guardian.

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