Hocus Pocus

I watch this movie pretty much every Halloween so I don’t expect to notice too many new things in this one. I find it interesting that when this movie was originally released in July. Whose bright idea was that? Why wouldn’t you release it closer to Halloween? If you haven’t watched this in a while,Continue reading “Hocus Pocus”

Escape to Witch Mountain

I’m a big Real Housewives fan so watching a Kim Richards movie had me pretty excited. It is very creepy that the rich man and his butler lure the kids into the mansion with ice cream upon their arrival. Why are witches/wizards so often orphans in movies/tv shows (Sabrina, Harry Potter, etc)? Spoiler Alert: IContinue reading “Escape to Witch Mountain”

Bedknobs and Broomsticks

I knew before I started this that it was going to be a little trippy at times.  I think they were more concerned about the Nazis invading England than they should have been especially since World War II was over well before the movie was made.  Also, did they really think witches were going toContinue reading “Bedknobs and Broomsticks”

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